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2024 Mother’s Day Radiothon Nets $95,186!

An amazing $95,186 was raised at our recent Radiothon, including a $60,000 match from the Department of Health & Community Services. Thank you to the donors and volunteers. We are so much closer to our $100,000 goal to purchase  equipment to aid our healthcare professionals in the prevention, detection and care of cardiac patients in the south central region!  Thank You for showing how much you care!!! 

PHOTOS from Radiothon 2024

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Randy Connors of Stingray Gander present VOCM Cares Foundation kick-off donation.

Wanda Pittman, Regional Manager, Exploits Valley Mall presents their Corporate Sponsor donation.

Randy Connors, Stingray with Preston Pardy, Foundation Board member and Executive Director Wendy Houlihan.

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Executive Director Wendy Houlihan (left) and Preston Pardy, Foundation Board member (right) accepted a donation from the Grand Falls-Windsor Volunteer Fire Department.

Volunteers from the Status of Women Central office in Grand Falls-Windsor.

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Central Newfoundland Hospital Auxiliary donate $16,000 for a Defibrillator for the Endoscopy Department.

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Volunteers from the Grand Falls-Windsor Lions Club.

From healthy hockey dad to a heart attack survivor at age 44: Preston Pardy’s survivor story

As a healthy 44 year-old hockey dad, Preston Pardy was the picture of health. And he certainly had no indication of heart disease. He never imagined a heart attack would happen to him. But when he ended up in the hospital, learning that he’d survived a heart attack, and faced open heart surgery, he knew this shocking experience would change his life entirely.


It was April 9, 2022. I was coaching my daughter’s hockey team at a tournament in Springdale. By the time the game was over I felt so weak I couldn’t lift a case of water.  As a seemingly healthy individual, who played hockey every day myself, I was completely taken by surprise by my heart attack.


I spent 11 days in the hospital (in Grand Falls-Windsor) before I was sent to St. John’s for an Angiogram. I was admitted into Special Care with 3 major blockages, a damaged valve and a weak heart function. After having my bypass surgery cancelled numerous times, I was flown to Ottawa. On May 2, 2022 I had a triple bypass surgery and my valve repaired by Dr Marc Ruel and his team at the Ottawa Heart Institute. I attended the Heart Failure Clinic in St John’s however my heart function remained below 30% and on October 21, 2022 I had a defibrillator installed by Dr. Sean Connors at the Health Science Centre.


On April 22 2023, while coaching my son’s hockey game in Gander – I had my first experience with the defibrillator going off. Experiencing an irregular and rapid heart rhythm left me feeling extremely weak, and I remained in atrial fibrillation (Afib) for an extended period. Throughout this time, countless nights were spent in uncertainty, wondering if I would wake up the next morning. However, on June 29, 2023, I underwent a Cardioversion procedure, during which my heart was shocked back into a regular rhythm, providing much-needed relief and stability.


Looking back, Preston notes that his heart attack didn’t only happen to him, it happened to his family too. Everyone in the family experienced emotional distress, wondering if they were going to lose him. Two years later, as a heart attack survivor, Preston has learned to move forward, working with his healthcare team. He visits with cardiologist Dr. Sean Connors twice a year and consults with the Ottawa team on an as-needed basis.


Preston doesn’t play hockey anymore, but he still attends his kids sports events and is back running his own businesses; and he is a member of the South and Central Health Foundation Board of Directors, which allows him to give back and support others facing similar health challenges.


Preston often reflects on how his life has changed since that life-altering event. The heart attack was a wake-up call, prompting him to prioritize his health and cherish every moment with his loved ones. He's grateful for the unwavering support of his family, especially Darlene, Grayson, and Pressley, who stood by him during his recovery.


Preston's journey serves as a reminder of resilience and the importance of taking proactive steps towards well-being. He continues to inspire others with his positive outlook and determination to live life to the fullest. His journey as a heart attack survivor has been filled with challenges and triumphs. Through regular check-ups and consultations with his healthcare team, Preston has regained control of his health. His healthcare team have been instrumental in guiding him through this process.

Our 2024 Cardiac Care Equipment List


Neonatal High Flow Oxygen Therapy


A software upgrade to one of the existing ventilators will provide life support for infants that are born too soon (do not have developed lungs to maintain life) and for other infants with other cardiac and pulmonary diseases requiring life support. With this upgrade will increase the unit’s life support capacity in the event that twin infants require life support. It will also provide contingency in the event that one of the life support systems requires maintenance.

High Flow Oxygen Therapy for ICU patients

A software upgrade to these ventilators will allow them to be used for all levels of respiratory support through the patient’s care. When patients are removed from life support they often require oxygen support. This upgrade will seamlessly allow this transition with less risk to the patient.

Defibrillator for Endoscopy Unit


A Defibrillator is an electronic device that displays heart rhythms for monitoring purposes, and during a cardiac event, can provide an electric shock to restart your heart or return it to a normal rhythm. During an endoscopy procedure, clients with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator need their device to be “turned off” during the procedure, and they must be placed on a defibrillator to monitor their heart rhythm. This equipment will be stationed in the Endoscopy Unit giving the health professionals their very own device. Currently they are borrowing from another department.

Remote Cardiac Holter Monitors


Cardiac event monitoring is a diagnostic tool used by Cardiology Technologists to connect patient symptoms to cardiac events. Event monitors are small, portable electrocardiogram devices – about the size of a pager- that record your heart’s electrical activity for long periods of time while you do your regular activities. Cardiac event monitors are used when you need long-term monitoring of symptoms which occur infrequently and helps physicians to diagnose cardiac issues in both pediatric and adult populations.

Some of the reasons physicians may request this diagnostic test include helping diagnose causes of  fainting,  stroke, irregular heart rhythms, feelings of  “heart racing” or “heart fluttering”  as well as monitoring  of certain cardiac medications.

Stress Testing System

A stress test usually involves walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike. A health care provider watches your heart rhythm, blood pressure and breathing during the test.


A health care provider may recommend a stress test:

  • To diagnose coronary artery disease. The coronary arteries are the major blood vessels that bring blood and oxygen to the heart. Coronary artery disease develops when these arteries get damaged or diseased.

  • To diagnose heart rhythm problems. A heart rhythm problem is called an arrhythmia. An arrhythmia can cause the heart to beat too fast or too slowly.

  • To guide treatment of heart disorders. If you've already been diagnosed with a heart condition, an exercise stress test can help your provider know if your treatment is working. The test results also help your provider decide on the best treatment for you.. 

  • To check the heart before surgery. A stress test can help show if surgery, such as a valve replacement or a heart transplant, might be a safe treatment.

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